Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Dirk The Dragon

Well it's that time again...
1st of April 2015....

How many of you had a prank pulled on you???
I'm so glad I'm not in for all that funny business anymore, hahhaha, Am I showing my age yet.. LOL...

Right, Here We Go....
Here is my next Laylala Doll - Dirk The Dragon.
Hand Made by Yours truly (craftypaulaa)
This original pattern as you probably know by now is available from
(Lydia Tresselt) ~ Laylala.

I think this one might have been a bit more tricky, than the others.
Dirk the Dragon, has spikes on his back and his Ears, so I had to learn a new Technique...
Considering I've now been crocheting for 12 months, I  think I'm progressing quite well.
Or am I speaking to sooooon !!! Hahaha.
I suppose time will tell...
I hope you like.

Thank you for Visiting Me.
Come back Any Time.

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